Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 4 Dubai

Spent the last day in Dubai extravagantly.. Come to think of it, everything in Dubai is excessive, grand and luxurious. But today, we really indulged. :)

Lunch was at the 7-star Burj where entry is strictly by reservation only. They even mailed those invitation card sorta thing once ur restaurant booking is confirmed and payment made. Yups, if you cancel, you don't get a refund. Zai anot?!

The inside...

Fresh rose masterpiece!

Hotel rooms that go into the thousands per night.

Dancing waterfall according to music!

Me the shortest. Poo!

Gorgeous lift doors!!!!

Junsui Pan-Asia Restaurant. S$200 each for wkday lunch!!!!!!

We were early and the buffet wasn't ready so the chef came out to prepare maki rolls for us. Talk abt personal service. :)

Alot alot alot of snacks for the early birds. Cocktail?

Waiting area...

Pretty outdoor area is for hotel guest only. :(


My favourite section!!!! Hehehe!

High-class means bags don't go on chairs..

Crystal studded bag hook somemore. Cheapskate me was v tempted to sneak it home. WAHAHAHA! :P

OMG toilet with Hermes perfume and hand lotion for ultimate pampering! Hv heated towels to dry your hand too!!!



The outside...

During its opening, the royals wanted an F1 car to do a loop on the top helicopter pad but no insurance company wanted to bear the risk so they had to settle for Tiger Woods hitting a golf ball into the horizon. Haha...

Their "richness" still amaze me.


Mirrored surface to keep the heat out.


Chio can?!

Daddy wanted to take us to Atlantis water theme park but at USD120 each, we refused..

But we still had to drive pass coz its like the biggest theme park ever?!

As per 10 commandments, the tunnel was constructed underneath part of the Gulf Sea just to be different frm other parts of the world. Parting of the Red Sea anyone?

Expensive homes of the rich and famous. Think Beckham and Owen!

The houses form a Palm shape...

Outside the theme park..


My "POPSTAR" family!

Me in a left-hand drive.. ^^

Later, daddy took us to a mall with an inbuilt aquarium!

We paid to enter coz the outside was too crowded already...

Piranha greedy for Alisa.. Eeek!

Fishy fishy!!

Brian being a kid.

In the tunnel!


Mini fishes eating the fungi off the big fish..

I am blue.

At the foodcourt, I saw this.. Wonder what the parents were doing... Either tt or they hv too many children (5-6 per family) they can afford to lose some? Tsk!

Cool touch-screen OMNIA phone... You really can play around on it lor!

As it got late, we hit the desert roads...

Trix hv the uncanny ability to always choose the sunny side.

She got pretty pissed.

Notice my v adorable brother. Love love~

Tt rounds up the Dubai part.. When I find the time, I will blog abt Abu Dhabi (another of the 7 emirates). The capital but strangely not as "touristy"...


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